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Makinas 4 Square 4 Square

The service used to deliver this font for use on websites is provided by Adobe Fonts and is subject to the Adobe Terms of Use. Further use and distribution of the font is subject to the terms below.




○:Advertising and catalogues
○:Promotional materials (flyers, POP, direct mail, commercial printing)
○:Signs, Sighnboards (for the exterior of shops)
○:For goods and products (the fonts can be used for templates for New Year cards).
○:Industrial products, equipment, packages of goods, etc.

Modifications to the font [and glyphs in the font]
○:Transformation, processing, decomposition, rearrangement
○:logotypes (for registered trademarks)
○:logotypes (not for registered trademarks)

Use on the Web
○:Display of texts on Web sites for companies and individuals
○:For commercial banners
○:Mobile phone wallpapers, PC desktop wallpapers
○:Images for emails

○:Installation of the font onto web servers.
○:Embedding into Flash files

Broadcasting, image processing
○:TV programs
○:Video/movie distribution through the internet.
○:Sales of video contents in the form of Blue-ray Disc/DVD etc.
○:TV Commercials and promotional videos

Games and application software
○:Display text contents in the form of images.
○:Using the font as a system font; use for editable texts
○:As images for LINE stamps

Digital Contents:
○:Electronic catalogues
○:Digital Signage

Electronic books
○:Displaying text as images
○:Subset font rendering for fixed or variable [display/page] layout
○:Display of texts using PDF font embedding

Credits ([of the author of the font]) are not necessary.

Prohibited Matters:
×:2nd distribution and resale without permission
×:Alteration of font data and distribution of altered data
×:Inclusion of the font as a supplement to a publication, books and recording devices. (Since 2016, only distribution of the font on the internet is allowed).

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