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Iroha Mochi Regular

The service used to deliver this font for use on websites is provided by Adobe Fonts and is subject to the Adobe Terms of Use. Further use and distribution of the font is subject to the terms below.




- 連絡表記不要。商用、非商用問わずご自由にどうぞ。素材集書籍などへの収録も同様です。
- 通常利用、商用利用、改変、再配布、埋め込みもOK。とにかくご自由にどうぞ。
- 『オリジナル』『改変フォント』ともに、フォント単体で有料販売してはいけません。
- このフォントの使用に関してはすべて無保証とさせていただきます。

- You don't need to contact us. Please use the font freely for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
- You can include the font in publications such as books with a collection of [graphic] materials.
- You must not sell the original fonts and any derived [or altered] fonts as stand alone fonts.
- Nothing is guaranteed about the use of this font.

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