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Paul D. Hunt

Paul D. Hunt began their type design career at P22 Type Foundry, where they joined as an intern in winter 2004. They were subsequently hired on as a designer and font developer. At P22, Paul was able to explore the basics of lettering-based type design. There they also experimented with drawing non-Latin typeforms for Cyrillic and Greek, and even collaborated with Jim Rimmer on a font for Canadian syllabics. Of these designs, P22 Allyson was awarded the Honor Diploma for the Excellence in Type Design by ParaType in their Modern Cyrillic 2009 design competition. It was at P22 that Paul began to develop an appreciation for good, interesting text faces.

Paul continued their journey in type at the University of Reading, UK. There they gained experience in drawing letterforms for setting text and furthered their exploration into non-Latin type design, focusing on Devanagari script. They completed their Masters work in spring 2008, for which they were awarded the distinction of Merit. Paul joined the Adobe type team in January 2009 as a typeface designer and font developer and continues to hone their skills in letter drawing and non-Latin type development.

At Adobe, Paul has led the development of type families for the top 10 languages of India. They designed Adobe Gurmukhi as part of this initiative. Additionally, they have designed and developed Adobe’s first open source families: Source Sans Pro and Source Code Pro. They have also contributed the Western script components for Source Han Sans. Paul is one of Adobe’s representatives to the Unicode consortium and has participated in its Emoji Subcommittee, advocating for better gender representation within the system of emoji.


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