Authentication in the Typekit API

Some API endpoints require authentication - for example, editing a kit or viewing private information such as a list of kits owned by a user. Other endpoints will give extra information when authenticated.

To authenticate as a user you need to pass a token to the API. You can generate a user token on your API Token page on Typekit. In the future we plan to add delegated authentication flows allowing an app to request access to a user accounts.

You can authenticate as a user by sending a X-Typekit-Token HTTP header. For example:

$ curl -s -H X-Typekit-Token:4d6141e7c82cb30affebcc392abc2ce3ab0ea4c1 | jsonpretty
  "kits": [
      "id": "ajd4dmw",
      "link": "/api/v1/json/kits/ajd4dmw"
      "id": "ard8twk",
      "link": "/api/v1/json/kits/ard8twk"

If you don't have the ability to set custom HTTP headers, you can also pass a token as a parameter to the API. For example:

$ curl -s
  "kits": [

All authenticated API requests must be made over a secure HTTPS connection.